We sell turnkey companies and offer the service of founding companies in various foreign countries, the most commonly in Lithuania, Sweden, UK, Germany, Poland, etc. Please contact us for other countries.
The indicators given in parentheses are informative only and based on the exchange rat e of May 2013.
The most common enterprise forms are UAB (comparable to private limited company (OÜ)) and AB (comparable to public limited company (AS)). The minimum required capital is 10,000 LTL (ca. 2,900 €) for UAB and 150,000 LTL (ca. 44,000 €) for AB.
An UAB must have at least one natural person or legal person shareholder and one Management Board Member; the maximum number of shareholders is 250. A Supervisory Board is not obligatory. The annual report must be audited in case of certain economic indicator levels. The business association is liable for its obligations in the extent of its full assets; the liability of shareholders is limited to the amount of share capital.
The most common enterprise form is limited liability association (AB). The minimum required capital is 50,000 SEK (ca. 5,800 €). At least one natural person or legal person shareholder is required. The Management Board must consist of at least one Member and one substitute Member. The association is liable for its obligations in the extent of its full assets; the liability of shareholders is limited to the size of the share capital.