Older and previously active companies

We buy or find a buyer for your previously active company.

We are currently selling previously active companies which have audited accountancy and no debts.

Private limited company, founded in July 1999
Private limited company, founded in 2001
Private limited company, founded in January 2012

We are selling previously not active older private limited companies (time of first entry, transaction in a notary’s office):

Like IT OÜ (28.01.2015)
Express Consultants OÜ (27.03.2015)
Business Start Up OÜ (03.11.2015)
Refmek Team OÜ (06.09.2016)

We are selling previously not active older companies (time of first entry, transaction with an ID card):

Interneti Kaubakeskus (30.08.2012)
Astrofor (13.11.2012)
SellWell Team (15.11.2012)
Focus Team (20.11.2012)
Norexo Service (04.04.2016)

We are selling previously not active older NPAs (time of first entry, transaction in a notary’s office or with an ID card):

GoldFame Project (31.10.2009)
Avalonna (12.01.2010)
Widementor (12.01.2010)